4DIAC - Distributed Industrial Automation+Control 1.7

The general aim of the 4DIAC initiative is to provide an open, free, IEC 61499 standard compliant automation and control environment. The following open source projects are in the focus of the 4DIAC initiative: * FORTE (4DIAC-RTE): Modular IEC 61499 compliant Runtime Environment for small embedded devices (16/32 Bit), implemented in C++ * 4DIAC-IDE: Modular IEC 61499 compliant Integrated Engineering Environment based on the Eclipse open tool framework * 4DIAC-LIB: Library of function blocks usable for different kinds of control applications * 4DIAC-Systems: A set of example projects Furthermore this open source implementation should serve as discussion basis for the further development of the IEC 61499 standard.

Tags distributed control industrial automation embedded-systems science-research manufacturing developers cross-platform c++ java c++ java
License EPL
State stable

Recent Releases

1.709 Apr 2015 14:50 major feature: The main improvements of this release are an extended monitoring for the internals of composite function blocks, support for the PFC 200 PLC from WAGO, performance and memory usage improvements in FORTE, new communication protocol EclipseSCADA SFP, and a new improved editor for service sequence diagrams. Furthermore many smaller improvements and bug-fixes have been performed. Together with the issues fixed during the maintenance of the last major release 44 issues could be solved.
1.6.222 Dec 2014 10:42 minor bugfix: We are proud to announce the second maintenance release for 4DIAC 1.6 providing a set of bug fixes to 4DIAC-IDE (8), FORTE (1), and the 4DIAC Systems (1). Because of some technical problems with Sourceforge's release system this maintenance release got delayed about one and a half week. We are very sorry for this inconvenience. As always please download, test, and report problems and bugs. Cheers, The 4DIAC Team
1.6.104 Nov 2014 11:12 major feature: We are proud to announce the first maintenance release for 4DIAC 1.6 providing bug fixes to 4DIAC-IDE (5) and 4DIAC-Systems (1). As always please download, test, and report problems and bugs. Cheers, The 4DIAC Team The following bugs have been fixed in 4DIAC-IDE: issues:#937 Monitor system connection establishment blocks when devices are not avialable issues:#936 4DIAC type export wizard fails to update forte with option "Overwrite without warning" enabled issues:#934 4DIAC application editor "Update function block" command is not working issues:#932 modify with constraints also in data interface elements issues:#931 ST Time literal export fails The following bug fixes and improvements have been done in 4DIAC-Systems: issues:#930 disable traffic lights when it is green for the pedestrians
1.6.001 Oct 2014 21:18 major feature: As always, this release is a combined release of all current 4DIAC projects: 4DIAC-IDE, 4DIAC-LIB, FORTE, and 4DIAC-Systems. The main improvements for 1.6.0 are: 4DIAC-IDE: integrated Help Contents, extended Subapplication support and UI cleanup for FB type editor FORTE: Support of MQTT and New Platforms as Raspberry PI, Beagle Bone Black 4DIAC-LIB: Common I/O Function Blocks as IX and QX and Array handling blocks 4DIAC-Systems: Traffic light Furthermore many smaller improvements and bug-fixes have been performed. Together with the issues fixed during the maintenance of the last major release 100 issues could be solved.
1.5.330 Jul 2014 16:38 minor bugfix: The third maintenance release for 4DIAC-IDE 1.5 and the second maintenance release for FORTE 1.5 providing a set of bug fixes for both. The following bugs have been fixed in 4DIAC-IDE: issues:#863 removed IP address field for FORTE launcher issues:#861 import IEC 61499 Types via wizard removed since they can be added by copy paste issues:#859 added Adapter support in Structured Text Editor for Algorithms issues:#851 4DIAC-Debug keeps running while closing the IDE, causing exceptions issues:#184 Rewire adapter connection from sub-applciation The following bug fixes and improvements have been done in FORTE: issues:#854 Management CMD "Delete_Connection" causes application crash issues:#846 win32 fortealloc.h need to changed to build the forte.exe using msys makefiles